WhiteSmile® FAQ

WhiteSmile® FAQ

Below, you will find a list of answers to frequently asked questions about our WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips.

How can I make a payment?

 You can pay using the following methods:

 ✅ PayPal

✅ Credit card *

✅ Debit charge *



Checking and approval are carried out directly by PayPal, and you don't need a PayPal account to use it.



Can I use multiple packs one after another?


Although we recommend taking a break between the 1st and 2nd pack, many customers have used our WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips again without this break without encountering any problems.


If you have sensitive teeth or experience other issues, discontinue use for at least one month.


Although our WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips work effectively, they will not be able to whiten your teeth forever due to natural stained tooth pigments.


Do the strips dissolve in your mouth or do they have to be removed?

The WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips are single-use and disposable.


It is essential that you remove the bleaching strips from your teeth and dispose of them after 1 hour.


If the strips are difficult to remove, wet them with water.


Can I swallow while using WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips?

Yes, you can technically swallow your saliva while using the product.


Smoking, fruit, or coffee during or after the application?

After applying the product, you can drink and eat normally 2 hours later (we recommend not to drink water during application).


If you want the best teeth-whitening results, it's advisable that you avoid eating or drinking anything that could stain your teeth (e.g. cigarettes, coffee, tea, red wine, berries) for the 14 days of treatment.


You can consume these products but if you want the best results, don't consume these products.


Can I wear strips overnight (sleep with them)?


No, WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips must be removed after 15-60 minutes.


When should I use the strips?

Our suggestion is to use the WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips after you finish your last meal of the day. You likely will not eat or drink anything else afterward.


Teeth must be clean but do not brush your teeth immediately before using this product--it is only necessary to rinse your mouth with water and dry your teeth (with a paper towel, for example) so the strips will stick better.


Will the strips still be effective if I have dead, root-treated, or artificial teeth/dentures, crowns, or fillings?

No, WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips only work on natural teeth. If you have dentures, false teeth, or root canal-treated teeth, the strips will not whiten them. We only advise against using in the visible area (frontal teeth) if you have any of these dental appliances. However, there is no problem using them in non-visible areas such as your molars.


The dentist is the only one who can whiten teeth that have become stained from root canal treatment. (For further information see "Walking Bleach Method").


In general, your crowns or fillings should not be damaged as long as they are seated correctly (no gaps around the edges). However, it is still best to consult your dentist if you have any concerns.


Even if you have retainers or crooked teeth, can the strips still be used?

You bet! The WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips can be used with retainers and also works great with crooked teeth.


Is it safe to use this product? Will it damage my teeth or gums?

We subject our WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips to strict EU guidelines for your safety. Using them as directed won't damage tooth enamel or gums.


The official safety report declares that all ingredients are safe for human health when used as intended, based on Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 for cosmetic products.


However, it is important to attach the WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips in a way that minimizes contact with the gums.


How long does the result last?

The duration of how long our WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips will last tooth depends on different customer factors, such as the general substance of their teeth or yearly consumption habits of similar products. In fact, some customers only use our strips once a year or more!


Our recommendation for a permanently whiter smile: follow the application process every 3-4 months.


How does teeth whitening work? What can I expect?

You will see a noticeable difference in the whiteness of your teeth after just one use of WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips.


The product uses the same technology as professional dental treatments but is gentle enough for at-home use.


The strips work by releasing oxygen atoms that attach to and break down stains on your teeth, making them visibly whiter.


If your tooth discoloration is due to certain foods and drinks, WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips can help. Our products have been put through countless tests, and we can prove that our strips will whiten teeth by up 10 levels.


Anything from coffee, tea, and red wine to saffron, tobacco, juices, fruit - over time - can all lead to discolored teeth. Dyes slowly penetrate the teeth's white enamel where they are then deposited; gradually making the teeth appear yellower or darker. By bleaching them though, you aren't removing these color pigments from the enamel but decolorizing them gently instead.


The color molecules are thus converted into colorless substances, which restore the natural tooth color. If in this phase, dyes are ingested again through food or drink, an undesirable cycle occurs.


It is recommended that you apply the product directly before going to bed (before brushing your teeth).


WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips are not a 'magic product', as the success of the product depends on the user's tooth substance and consumption habits. We cannot promise that those who have extremely yellow teeth will see results similar to what is seen in Hollywood movies but we can guarantee that you will see a difference.


Although not every whitening result is identical, some users simply don't notice the gradual, daily changes. It's like tanning; if you only tan for five minutes each day, you won't feel like anything has changed after two weeks. The change is only visible when you compare it to something else, like swimsuit lines on your skin. Teeth work similarly; the actual change may be difficult to perceive unless it's placed side-by-side with its original color. That is why we include a 'before and after color bar' in the package so that you can compare your results.

I'm pregnant. Can I use WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips?

We generally advise against using cosmetically oriented products while pregnant or nursing, as not enough research has been conducted on the topic. We advise that you wait until after you have given birth/stopped nursing before using our WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips.


If you have any other questions, our team would be happy to help!

If you are looking to achieve a whiter smile without having to go to the dentist, then WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips is the perfect product for you! Our strips use the same technology as professional dental treatments but are gentle enough for at-home use. In just 15 minutes, you can see a noticeable difference in the whiteness of your teeth. So what are you waiting for? Order your WhiteSmile® Teeth Whitening Strips today!



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